How to get to Cat Ba from Halong ? The best transportation
Bateau rapide de Pha Got à la ville de Cat Ba

How to get to Cat Ba from Halong ?


Most people choose a cruise either in Halong Bay or Lan Ha Bay. However, some might be interested in visiting both Halong and Cat Ba Island – whether for a cruise or not!

This short article is here to help you reach Cat Ba from the city of Halong.


Slow option : take a ferry from Tuan Chau

If you have the time, we recommend taking a ferry from the Tuan Chau port.

If you are staying at a hotel in Halong City, you can take a taxi to get to the Tuan Chau port. This is also where most cruise boats dock to welcome guests.

If you are at the SunWorld amusement park, the journey to the Tuan Chau port is 12 km. For around 150,000 VND, the taxi will take you to your destination.

You will choose the ferry that will take you to the Gia Luan port on Cat Ba Island. This port is located in the north of Cat Ba Island. The ticket price is 60,000 VND (2.5 dollars).


Le port de Tuan Chau vue du ciel, Vietnam

Tuan Chau, Halong, Vietnam. 


Here are the round-trip ferry schedules :


High Season (30/04 – 30/09) Schedule
Tuan Chau – Gia Luan 7h30, 9h00, 11h30, 13h30, 15h00
Gia Luan – Tuan Chau 9h00, 11h30, 13h00, 15h00, 16h00
Slow Season (01/10 – 29/04) Schedule
Tuan Chau – Gia Luan 7h30, 11h30, 15h00
Gia Luan – Tuan Chau 9h00, 13h00, 16h00


To reach the town of Cat Ba located in the south of the island, you will need to take a local bus from Gia Luan. The journey takes about 30 minutes, and it will cost you only 20,000 VND (0.90 dollars).


Bus pour aller à la ville de Cat Ba

Bus to Cat Ba city. 


The total cost for this journey will be approximately 5 dollars per person. 


Fast option : speed boat from Tuan Chau

For those of you in a hurry, you can opt for a speedboat that will take you to Gia Luan port in just a few minutes.


Speed boat partant de Tuan Chau pour rejoindre Cat Ba

Speed boat in Tuan Chau


However, the price is significantly higher: the ticket will cost you 150,000 VND (6.5 dollars) per person. 


Here the schedule : 


Speed boat trip Schedule 
Tuan Chau – Gia Luan 7h15, 8h30, 10h30, 13h, 14h30 et 16h


After the ferry, you will continue by bus or taxi to reach the town of Cat Ba in the south of the island, as in the program including the ferry.

These are the two means we recommend for reaching Cat Ba Island from Halong City.


Feel free to contact us to visit Cat Ba and Lan Ha bay

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Mathieu Arnaudet
Responsable Marketing

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