Best amusement parks in Vietnam for family outing
La luge Alpine Coaster de Bana Hills

Best amusement parks in Vietnam for family outing


Vietnam now hosts several quality amusement parks that can bring joy to your children during a family trip.

In this article, we present our top 5 must-visit amusement parks in Vietnam, promising thrilling moments, water adventures, cultural discoveries, and unforgettable memories.

As you’ll notice, two major companies dominate the market: Vin Group and Sun Group. The amusement/water park in Ho Chi Minh City on this list is the only one not owned by either of these companies.


Sun World Ha Long Park, Ha Long: Seaside Entertainment


Covering a total area of 214 hectares, Sun World Halong is an amusement and leisure complex consisting of two main areas:

# The amusement park on Ba Deo Hill, accessible via a cable car system;

# The coastal amusement park on Bai Chay Beach features various appealing facilities, including Dragon Park (an amusement park with Vietnam’s most spectacular roller coasters), a water park named Tornado Bay, and the relaxing coast of Halong, surrounded by sapphire waters and a white sandy beach.


Grande roue de 5. Sun World Ha Long Park

Sun World Ha Long Park


How to get to Sun World Halong ?

To reach Sun World Ha Long Park, you can take a boat from Ha Long port or use ground transportation from the surrounding cities. Ha Long is accessible from Hanoi by car, bus, or train, and the journey to the park is relatively short from the city center of Ha Long.


For whom ?

Sun World Ha Long Park caters to a diverse audience, from families and groups of friends to visitors of all ages. Thrill-seekers will be delighted with roller coasters, drop towers, and other exciting rides available. Families will appreciate child-friendly attractions, live shows, and interactive activities. Those seeking relaxation can enjoy the water park and seaside resting areas.


Accommodation and food

Sun World Ha Long Park does not offer on-site accommodation, but the Ha Long region provides a plethora of lodging options suited to various budgets. From luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels, you’ll undoubtedly find comfortable accommodation near the park.

Regarding dining, the park has restaurants and food stalls where you can savor a variety of Vietnamese and international dishes, as well as light snacks and refreshing beverages.

The highlight of Sun World Ha Long Park lies in its unique combination of thrilling attractions and the natural beauty of Ha Long Bay. Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy adrenaline-pumping rides, cool off in the water park, be entertained by live shows, and relish spectacular panoramic views from the cable car. The coastal location adds a touch of natural beauty to the experience, offering breathtaking seascapes and a unique atmosphere.


Entrance ticket fee

Expect to pay 600,000 VND (24 euros) for an adult ticket and 500,000 VND (20 euros) for a child ticket.



Bana Hills, Da Nang : having fun uphills 

You have probably seen pictures of those immense stone hands holding a golden bridge above the mountains, or heard about a renovated colonial mountain resort outside Da Nang. This place, which has captured international media attention, is the SunGroup-built amusement park called Ba Na Hills.

Located just 35 kilometers from the city of Da Nang on Nui Chua Mountain, Ba Na Hills was once a colonial hill station and has now become a highly attractive tourist destination, especially since the construction of the Golden Bridge. Benefiting from a cool and moderate climate, Nui Chua Mountain is considered the “Da Lat of Da Nang” since the French inaugurated the station in 1919.

The name “Ba Na” comes from the Katu language of the local ethnic minority group residing in the region, meaning “my mountain.”

When visiting Ba Na Hills, you will have the chance to discover or rediscover French architecture and, more importantly, enjoy a variety of thrilling entertainments.


Bana Hills vue du ciel

Bana Hills from above. 


How to get to Bana Hills ?

To reach Bana Hills, visitors can take the Ba Na Cable Car, which is an attraction in itself. The cable car holds world records, including the longest cable car ride and the greatest difference in altitude between the starting point and the endpoint. The ascent on the cable car provides visitors with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, lush forests, and the coast of Da Nang.


For whom ?

Bana Hills is suitable for a diverse audience, from families to thrill-seekers. Children will enjoy the rides and play areas, while culture enthusiasts can explore well-maintained botanical gardens and learn more about the local flora. Those seeking excitement can experience high-speed rides, thrilling roller coasters, and other adrenaline-pumping attractions.


Accommodation and food

Bana Hills offers on-site accommodation with a single hotel located on the hill, providing superior comfort and services. The rooms are designed to offer a relaxing setting with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

Regarding dining, the resort has several restaurants offering a variety of Vietnamese and international dishes. Visitors can savor delicious local cuisine, regional specialties, and international dishes in a pleasant atmosphere. Cafés and snack stands are also present to satisfy small cravings with light and tasty options.

It is worth noting that, due to the nature of the destination, where the majority of visitors embark on day trips, the choice of on-site accommodation is limited to the hotel located on the hill. However, the surroundings of Bana Hills offer a variety of other accommodations in the Da Nang area, which is a short drive away.


Entrance ticket price

The ticket for the Ba Na Hills cable car costs 700,000 VND (27 euros) per adult and 550,000 VND (22 euros) per child for a round-trip ticket.

The price includes, in addition to the cable car ride:

  • Most of the Fantasy Park games (105 games and the Alpine Coaster);
  • The 70,000 VND ticket for the funicular train to Debay Cellar and the Garden of Love.

However, it does not include:

  • The ticket for the wax museum: 100,000 VND per adult;
  • Indoor sports within Fantasy Park.

Tickets can be purchased on-site, or if you prefer to avoid waiting in line, you can buy them online directly on the park’s website.



Vinpearl Land, Nha Trang

Vinpearl Land, located on Hon Tre Island, off the coast of Nha Trang, is one of the most famous amusement parks in Vietnam. This extensive complex offers a variety of activities for visitors of all ages, making it an ideal destination for families and entertainment enthusiasts.


Vue aérienne du parc d'attractionVinpearl Land, Nha TrangVinpearl Land, Nha Trang


How to get to Vinpearl Land ?

To get to Vinpearl Land, visitors need to take the cable car from the city of Nha Trang. The cable car journey already provides a panoramic view of the sea and creates an exciting atmosphere to start your visit. Once you arrive on the island, you can easily access the various attractions in the park.


For whom ?

Vinpearl Land caters to a broad audience, from children to adults. Families will find numerous child-friendly attractions such as rides, carousels, giant swings, and playgrounds. Thrill-seekers will appreciate fast roller coasters, freefall rides, and high-speed attractions. The park also features a water park with water slides, wave pools, and interactive water attractions.



Accommodation and food

Vinpearl Land also offers accommodation options on Hon Tre Island, allowing visitors to extend their stay. The Vinpearl resort provides comfortable rooms with sea views, modern facilities, and easy access to the park’s attractions. This allows visitors to fully enjoy their stay without worrying about commuting. Regarding dining, Vinpearl Land offers several on-site dining options, ranging from snack stands to full-service restaurants. Visitors can savor a variety of Vietnamese and international dishes to satisfy all culinary preferences.



Entrance ticket fee

Expect to pay 550,000 VND (22 euros) for an adult ticket and 400,000 VND (16 euros) for a child (as well as those over 60 years old).



Suoi Tien Cultural Amusement Park, Hô Chi Minh City


The Suoi Tien Cultural Amusement Park in Ho Chi Minh City is a unique amusement park that blends entertainment with Vietnamese culture. Providing a multitude of activities, this park is a true gem for visitors seeking adventure and cultural discovery.


Piscine du Suoi Tien Cultural Amusement Park

Swimming pool of Suoi Tien Cultural Amusement Park 


How to get to Suoi Tien ?

To reach the Suoi Tien Cultural Amusement Park, visitors can use various modes of transportation. Located approximately 19 kilometers from the city center of Ho Chi Minh City, it is accessible by taxi, bus, or motorbike taxi. Signs for the park are clearly displayed, making navigation easy.


For whom ?

The target audience for the park is broad and diverse. Families with children will find numerous attractions tailored to the youngest visitors, including rides, playgrounds, and interactive shows. Those interested in Vietnamese culture and traditions will be delighted to explore exhibitions and performances that showcase the rich history and customs of the country. Thrill-seekers can enjoy roller coasters and high-speed attractions.


Accommodation and food

The park does not offer on-site accommodation as it is located in Ho Chi Minh City, which provides numerous lodging options for all budgets. Many hotels, hostels, and vacation rentals are situated near the park, allowing visitors to choose the option that best suits their needs.

Regarding dining, the Suoi Tien Cultural Amusement Park offers a variety of dining options. Snack stands serving Vietnamese specialties such as spring rolls and banh mi are available throughout the park. Restaurants offering local and international dishes are also present, allowing visitors to dine and recharge for the rest of their day.


Entrance ticket fee

The price for 1 adult is 50 000 VND (2 euros).



VinWonders Phu Quoc


For those concluding their journey in Vietnam with a beach extension in Phu Quoc, you might want to have some fun at VinWonders, located in the Phu Quoc United Center, at Long Beach, a beautiful beach situated in the northern part of the Pearl Island. It is approximately 33 kilometers from Phu Quoc Airport and about 20 kilometers from the town of Duong Dong.


Entrée de VinWonders Phu Quoc

VinWonders Phu Quoc


How to get to VinWonders Phu Quoc ? 

Il y a deux itinéraires courants pour se rendre à VinWonders Phu Quoc, comprenant :

Depuis l’aéroport : Lorsque vous arrivez à l’aéroport de Phu Quoc, dirigez-vous vers la rue Tran Hung Dao. Allez tout droit jusqu’à un carrefour à 5 voies, puis tournez à droite sur la rue 30/4. Au croisement en T qui se connecte à la rue Hung Vuong, tournez à gauche et continuez en passant par les rues Duong Dong, Cua Can et Ganh Dau pour arriver à VinWonders Phu Quoc.

Depuis la ville de Duong Dong : Si la première destination de votre voyage à Phu Quoc est la ville de Duong Dong, vous pouvez prendre un taxi ou louer une voiture pour vous rendre à VinWonders Phu Quoc. Pour ceux qui séjournent à Vinpearl Phu Quoc, vous recevrez un billet de bus gratuit pour ce parc à thème avec 5 horaires de départ au choix : 8h50, 9h20, 9h35, 10h50, 11h35.

Avec cette option, vous partez également du carrefour à 5 voies près de la porte du marché de nuit vers la rue 30/4 en direction du village de Ham Ninh. Ensuite, l’itinéraire est le même que celui depuis l’aéroport ci-dessus : Rue Hung Vuong – Rue Duong Dong – Rue Cua Can – Rue Ganh Dau.


For whom ?

The VinWonders amusement park in Phu Quoc aims to attract a diverse audience, including both domestic and international tourists. Its appeal extends to families, children, teenagers, as well as adults of all ages. The park offers a variety of activities and attractions tailored to different age groups, making it an attractive destination for travelers seeking entertainment and adventure.


What to do in VinWonders Phu Quoc ? 

At VinWonders Phu Quoc, visitors can enjoy a variety of activities and attractions for a fun and entertaining day. Here are some of the things you can do at the amusement park:

Rides and attractions: VinWonders offers a selection of exciting rides and thrilling attractions suitable for all ages. From roller coasters to carousels, pirate ships, and thrilling rides, there’s something for everyone.

Shows and performances: The park features entertaining shows and performances that will delight visitors. Magic shows, colorful parades, artistic performances, and more are on the schedule to provide moments of fun and wonder.

Themed zones: VinWonders Phu Quoc is organized into different themed zones, each with its own universe and specific activities. For example, you can explore the “Viking Village,” the residence of the powerful Viking tribe with Nordic architecture. Here, you can take on the challenge of the god of thunder in the warrior village!

Additionally, there are countless other interesting games, such as conquering the 30-meter-long suspension bridge or the zip line that crosses the forest at a height of 10 meters.

Water park: The park also features a water park called “Typhoon World.” It is a 4.5-hectare area that recreates the Hawaiian tropical paradise with 36 incredible activities, among which a slide called “Snake Venom” takes the spotlight.

Interactive games: VinWonders offers interactive games and virtual reality experiences that add a technological and modern touch to your visit.

Cultural discoveries: The park highlights Vietnamese culture through different attractions that allow visitors to explore the history and traditions of the country.

Picnic and relaxation areas: For those looking to relax, the park provides picnic and rest areas to enjoy a peaceful break between activities.



There are various types of accommodation around VinWonders Phu Quoc, ranging from affordable options to upscale establishments. Located at Long Beach, Vinpearl Phu Quoc is an excellent choice for a luxurious stay during your visit to the theme park as well as other attractions in Phu Quoc.


Entrance ticket fee

There are 3 types of tickets for VinWonders Phu Quoc designed for different tourist groups: children, adults under 60, and adults over 60.

For individuals measuring between 100 and 140 centimeters (Group 1), the standard entrance fee is 660,000 VND. This same rate applies to tourists aged 60 or older (Group 2). However, if you measure 140 centimeters or more (Group 3), the entrance fee to visit VinWonders Phu Quoc is 880,000 VND.


You can now choose the amusement park based on your itinerary !


Mathieu Arnaudet
Responsable Marketing

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