The best health tips for a trip to Vietnam
Entrée de l'hôpital français à Hanoi

The best health tips for a trip to Vietnam


Imagine yourself planning a breathtaking adventure amidst the spectacular landscapes of Vietnam – from the lush terraced rice fields of Sapa to the pristine beaches of Da Nang, through the bustling streets and colorful markets of Hanoi. Preparations for a trip to Vietnam evoke both joyful anticipation and excitement for the unknown. However, amidst packing lists and exciting itineraries, there is one aspect you should never overlook: your health.

While the idea of exploring a new culture, tasting exotic cuisine, and meeting friendly people can be captivating, it is crucial to recognize that your health plays a vital role in the success of your journey. Ignoring health concerns can have a significant impact on your experience. That’s why, in this article, we will delve into the best tips for maintaining your well-being during your trip to Vietnam. From health insurance to managing medications to general precautions, we will guide you through everything you need to know for a worry-free and memorable journey.

Indeed, taking care of your health doesn’t just mean avoiding illnesses but also fully enjoying each moment without being hindered by unforeseen medical troubles. So whether you’re an intrepid explorer seeking adventure or a traveler looking to relax first and foremost, follow us to discover how to ensure that your trip to Vietnam is both exciting and healthy.

Contact us to arrange a safe trip to Vietnam.


Subscribing to a travel health insurance

When embarking on an adventure in Vietnam, it is crucial to prioritize obtaining travel health insurance. Why is it so important? Well, imagine developing a persistent fever, a gastrointestinal infection, or an unexpected injury while exploring the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City or the remote corners of Ha Giang? In such situations, well-chosen health insurance can make all the difference.


Importance of a travel health insurance

Travel health insurance provides essential peace of mind during your stay in Vietnam. Medical care abroad can be costly, and unexpected medical expenses can quickly deplete your travel budget. Health insurance steps in to cover these expenses, allowing you to focus on recovery rather than expenses. It acts as a safety net for you and your loved ones, protecting you from unexpected medical contingencies that may occur far from home.


Benefits of a travel health insurance

Hospital coverage: In case of necessary hospitalization, your health insurance covers the expenses related to hospital care, treatments, and medical procedures. This prevents you from having to choose between your health and your wallet.

Medical consultations: If you need to see a doctor for a minor illness or injury, your insurance typically covers the consultation fees. This allows you to receive necessary medical care without hesitation.

By purchasing health insurance tailored to your trip to Vietnam, you are investing in your safety and well-being. Before you depart, take the time to compare different travel insurance options and understand the details of the coverage provided. Ensure that the insurance you choose meets your specific needs and covers a comprehensive range of possible medical situations.

In summary, travel health insurance is much more than a mere formality. It’s a smart way to prepare for the unexpected and ensure that your experience in Vietnam is not only memorable but also free from medical worries.


Know about hospitals and Vietnam health system

During your trip to Vietnam, having a basic understanding of the healthcare system and the main hospital options can be invaluable in case of medical needs. Here is an overview of the country’s hospitals and healthcare system to help you better prepare.


Mains hospitals and health care center

Vietnam has several high-quality medical facilities in urban and tourist areas. Here are some of the top hospitals and reputable medical centers where you might seek care if needed:

French Hospital of Hanoi: Located in the capital, this institution provides advanced medical services and has a team of experienced doctors who speak french and english.


Entrée de l'hôpital français à Hanoi

French hospital in Hanoi


Family Medical Practice in Hanoi : located on the right hand side of Kim Ma Street when heading towards Daewoo Hotel, this private hospital is well known by expats living in Hanoi. They offer great services but at a high price.

International Hospital of Ho Chi Minh City: This is one of the largest private hospitals in the country, with modern facilities and internationally trained practitioners.

Vinmec International Hospital: With multiple branches throughout the country, this private hospital provides quality care and a comprehensive range of medical services.

Da Nang C Hospital: Located in the coastal city of Da Nang, this institution is known for its comprehensive medical services.


Devant l'hôpital C de Da Nang

C Hospital in Da Nang


Health system in Vietnam

The Vietnamese healthcare system has seen significant improvements in recent years but may still differ from what you are accustomed to. Here are some key points to consider:

Public and private hospitals: Vietnam has both public and private hospitals. Public hospitals generally offer lower-cost care, but services can vary depending on the facility and location.

Level of care: Major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City provide high levels of medical care, while rural areas may have more basic medical facilities.

Language: Language barriers can be a challenge. While many healthcare professionals speak English in tourist areas, it can be helpful to prepare some basic medical expressions in Vietnamese.

Payment for care: Even if you have health insurance, it is often necessary to pay for medical care upfront and then seek reimbursement from your insurance company later. Therefore, it’s important to prepare funds in advance just in case.

By understanding these aspects of the Vietnamese healthcare system and identifying reputable medical facilities, you will be better prepared to make informed decisions in case of a medical issue during your trip. Research healthcare options near your planned destinations so that you can react quickly and effectively if needed.


Choosing a repatriation insurance


Importance of repatriation insurance

Repatriation insurance is a vital safeguard for your trip to Vietnam. It ensures a swift return to your home country in case of serious medical issues that require advanced care or long-term monitoring.

Scenarios where repatriation insurance is necessary:

Serious medical emergencies: If a major illness or accident occurs, and the necessary care is not available locally, repatriation insurance allows you to return for proper treatment.

Need for specialized care: In cases of complex surgery or specialized treatment, the insurance provides for your return to familiar medical professionals.

Long-term monitoring: If recovery requires extended attention, the insurance gives you the option to continue treatment at home.

Exceptional circumstances: In the event of natural disasters or unforeseen events, the insurance facilitates a swift return for your safety.

Repatriation insurance, a wise precaution, ensures that your health remains a priority even when far from home.


Pharmacies and over-the-counter medications

During your trip to Vietnam, your well-being is a priority. A smart precaution is to bring a small first-aid kit, including medications you are accustomed to taking and supplies to address minor discomforts. Here’s why it’s essential:


The first-aid kit

Bringing a well-stocked first-aid kit is a crucial step in dealing with minor health issues during your trip. Include common medications for headaches, pain, allergies, and gastrointestinal problems. Having bandages, antiseptics, and other basic medical supplies will prepare you to handle minor incidents. Also, don’t forget effective sunscreen, as the sun can be very strong and cause significant burns.


Easy access to pharmacies

Vietnam has an abundance of pharmacies, with many options available in cities and tourist areas. You will often find pharmacies open late into the evening, offering a wide variety of over-the-counter medications. This accessibility is a significant advantage for travelers seeking quick relief.


Pharmacity, nouvelle chaine de pharmacies en ville

Pharmacity, new pharmacy franchise in Vietnam


Beware of self-medication!

Although access to over-the-counter medications is easy and convenient in Vietnam, self-medication should, of course, be approached with caution. It’s important to understand that each medication has potential interactions and side effects. That’s why it’s crucial to be informed about the dosage, ranges, and active ingredients of the medications you are taking. If possible, consult a local pharmacist for advice before taking an unfamiliar medication.


Importance of medical knowledge

Understanding the dosage and active ingredient of medications is essential to avoid complications and adverse reactions. Medications can vary from one country to another, and it’s crucial not to assume that the medications available in Vietnam are identical to the ones you usually take. Differences in formulations can have implications for effectiveness and safety.

Furthermore, the language barrier can add an extra layer of complexity. Medication names may differ, and the information on packaging might be in a language you may not understand well. This can lead to misunderstandings regarding dosages, indications, and side effects.


Precautions and tips for staying healthy in Vietnam

Maintaining good health during your trip to Vietnam is essential to fully enjoy the experience. Here are some general tips and precautions to ensure your well-being throughout your stay:

Stay hydrated: Vietnam’s high temperatures and humidity can lead to rapid dehydration. Make sure to drink enough clean water throughout the day, especially if you are active or spending time outdoors.

Avoid suspicious street food: Street food in Vietnam is delicious, but it’s important to be discerning. Choose food stalls frequented by locals, which may indicate better hygiene quality.

Adhere to local guidelines: Follow local guidelines regarding drinking water. In some regions, tap water may not be safe to drink. Use bottled water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

Wash your hands frequently: Good hand hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of infections. Use soap and water, or hand sanitizer if necessary.

Vaccinations and disease prevention: Consult your doctor for recommended vaccinations before your trip. Vietnam is a tropical country, so protect yourself against diseases like dengue by using mosquito repellents and wearing appropriate clothing.

Sun protection: Sun exposure can be intense in Vietnam. Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and avoid sun exposure during the hottest part of the day.

Follow health measures: Adhere to local health measures, especially if traveling during a pandemic or outbreak. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and follow current rules if recommended by authorities.

Rest and sleep: Ensure you get enough rest to keep your immune system strong. Jet lag can affect your sleep, so try to gradually adjust.

Remember that staying healthy while traveling is a priority, and these precautions can help you have a safe and enjoyable trip to Vietnam.


By implementing these simple precautions, you will significantly increase your chances of enjoying your trip to Vietnam to the fullest without major health concerns. Being mindful of your well-being and taking preventive measures will allow you to have an unforgettable and enjoyable experience.


Pre-travel Medical Consultation

Before heading to Vietnam, planning a pre-travel medical consultation is a wise decision to ensure a safe journey. Here’s why:

  1. Health assessment: Your doctor can assess your overall health to anticipate any potential issues during the trip.
  2. Required vaccinations: They can recommend specific vaccinations to protect you against local diseases.
  3. Personalized advice: You’ll receive tailored advice to meet your needs, including managing medications and pre-existing conditions.
  4. Family travel: If you’re traveling with children or are pregnant, specific guidance can help ensure everyone’s safety.

A pre-travel medical consultation is an assurance for a trouble-free journey and peace of mind.


And there you go, you’re ready for your adventure in Vietnam!

But remember, your health is the most important passport you have. By taking a proactive approach, such as getting health insurance, knowing medical facilities, and learning about local medications, you’re stacking the odds in your favor.

The little things like staying hydrated, being cautious with mysterious dishes, and following local recommendations are just as important as having a great travel playlist. It all boils down to balancing the excitement of exploration with the common sense of taking care of yourself.

So, embark on Vietnam with a suitcase filled with adventures and smart precautions. Your health, your smile, and your memories will thank you!

Feel free to contact us to plan your trip to Vietnam.




Mathieu Arnaudet
Responsable Marketing

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