Best places for hiking in Northern Vietnam - Parfum d'Automne
Voyageurs marchant le long de la rivière Nang, Parc National de Ba Be, Vietnam

Best places for hiking in Northern Vietnam


Northern Vietnam is a true paradise for hiking enthusiasts, offering breathtaking landscapes with its lush mountains, terraced rice fields, and picturesque villages inhabited by welcoming local ethnic groups.

In this article, we will take you through the best places for hiking in this fascinating region. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Vietnamese nature!

Feel free to contact us to plan your trip.


Sapa region 

Sapa is a popular destination for hiking enthusiasts due to its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and well-maintained trails. Located in the northwest mountains, this small mountain town offers an unforgettable hiking experience through lush valleys and enchanting terraced rice fields. You will be delighted by encounters with local ethnic minorities and awed by the majestic Fansipan Mountain, the “Roof of Indochina.”

We will explore the topography of the region, the treasures to discover along the trails, the difficulty of the hikes, and provide an example of a hiking itinerary in Sapa. Finally, we will share some tips for fully enjoying your adventure in this wonderful destination.



Femme Dao Rouge à Sapa, Vietnam

Femme Dao Rouge à Sapa, Vietnam. Crédit : Mathieu Arnaudet


Breathtaking landscapes

The Sapa region is a true natural treasure, characterized by its majestic mountains covered in lush vegetation, fertile valleys, and cascading terraced rice fields. The rolling hills offer breathtaking panoramas, while the trails wind through green forests, traditional villages, and cultivated fields. At the heart of this enchanting landscape stands the majestic Fansipan Mountain, often referred to as the “Roof of Indochina.” Rising to an altitude of 3,147 meters, it is Vietnam’s highest peak, offering spectacular panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. The ascent of Fansipan is an adventure in itself, attracting passionate hikers from around the world. For the most adventurous, a hike to the summit is an unforgettable experience that will reward you with breathtaking landscapes and an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.


Sommet du mont Fansipan dans la région de Sapa, Vietnam

Fanspan mountain top, Sapa, Vietnam


What to discover along the hiking path ?

The hiking trails in Sapa allow you to discover rich cultural and natural diversity. You will encounter ethnic minorities such as the Hmong, Dzao, and Tay, whose ancestral traditions and customs have been preserved for centuries. The villages you pass through will offer you the opportunity to have an authentic experience by staying with local residents. You will also be amazed by the terraced rice fields carved into the mountains by the skilled hands of local farmers. Waterfalls, streams, and dense forests will add a touch of magic to your hikes.


Villageois dans les environs de Sapa récoltant le riz de manière non mécanisée, Vietnam

Rice harvest in Sapa. Crédit : Mathieu Arnaudet 


Example of a hike – Muong Hoa Valley

One of the most popular hikes in Sapa is the Muong Hoa Valley Circuit. This trail will allow you to explore the stunning terraced rice fields of Sapa and discover the traditions of the local tribes. The circuit begins in Sapa, and by following the trails, you will pass through the villages of Lao Chai, Ta Van, and Giang Ta Chai. You will be amazed by the breathtaking panoramas and encounters with the local people, who will warmly welcome you. This hike typically takes two days, and you will have the opportunity to spend the night with a local family for an authentic cultural experience.



Our tips for enjoying it to the fullest

  1. Plan your trip during the dry season (from September to November) for optimal hiking conditions;
  2. Book a tour with a local agency that will arrange the services of a good local French-speaking guide to help you navigate the trails and learn more about the local culture;
  3. Make sure to wear comfortable and appropriate hiking shoes for rough terrain;
  4. Respect local customs and always ask for permission before taking photos of the locals or their homes;
  5. Enjoy the sunrise or sunset for breathtaking views of Sapa’s terraced rice fields.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hiker, you will be captivated by the beauty and diversity of this unique region. Get ready for a memorable experience in the heart of the northern Vietnamese mountains.



Ba Be National Park

Nestled in Bac Kan Province, Ba Be National Park is a lesser-known natural destination in northern Vietnam. This picturesque park, however, houses a stunning freshwater lake surrounded by lush mountains and forests. Nature enthusiasts will be delighted by the region’s biodiversity and encounters with local communities who live in harmony with the environment. Hiking trails will allow you to explore this wonderful area, discover rare birds, visit mysterious caves, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of preserved nature.


Bateaux acostés dans le Parc National de Ba Be

Boats at Ba Be lake. Crédit : Mathieu Arnaudet 


Idyllic landscaps

Ba Be National Park is characterized by exceptionally beautiful landscapes. Its namesake lake is the largest freshwater lake in Vietnam and is surrounded by mountains covered in lush vegetation. The region is also dotted with pristine forests, refreshing waterfalls, and mysterious caves that add to its natural charm. Hiking trails will take you through these hidden treasures, offering breathtaking panoramic views and unforgettable experiences in the heart of preserved nature.


Parc National de Ba Be, Vietnam

Ba Be lake and its surrounding vegetation. Crédit : Mathieu Arnaudet 


What to discover along the hike path ?

At Ba Be National Park, hiking trails will allow you to explore the exceptional biodiversity of the region. You will have the opportunity to observe a wide variety of rare birds, discover unique plant species, and, if you’re lucky, admire wild animals such as macaques, deer, and gibbons. During your hikes, you can also visit local villages, meet welcoming residents, and learn more about their traditions and way of life. Local guides can share their knowledge about the ecosystem of the region and enhance your experience of Vietnamese nature


Example of a hike – until the An Ma temple  (7-10 km) 

An Ma is a limestone island located in the second basin of Ba Be Lake (Pe Lu), approximately 30 meters above the lake’s surface. The island itself has the shape of an arched turtle shell, covered with green trees all over. It provides an ideal viewpoint to observe the lake’s landscape. At the top of the island stands the An Ma Temple, dedicated to Buddha, Mau Thuong Ngan, Chua Son Trang, Duc Thanh Tran, and others. It’s an ancient wooden temple restored and reconstructed in 2007, measuring 9 meters in length and 6 meters in width. To start the hike, you’ll depart from the north pier, following a small trail leading to the mountaintop where you can enjoy a panoramic view of Ba Be Lake. The trail will lead you to a raised hut where you can admire and take the best photos of the villages of Bo Lu and Pac Ngoi, inhabited by the Tay ethnic minority.


Voyageurs marchant le long de la rivière Nang, Parc National de Ba Be, Vietnam

Hiking trail along Ba Be lake. Crédit : Mathieu Arnaudet 



Our tips for enjoying it to the fullest

  1. Book your tour with a local agency or hire a local guide on-site to accompany you on your hikes and introduce you to the park’s hidden treasures;
  2. Pack clothing suitable for changing weather conditions and comfortable hiking shoes;
  3. Respect the environment and local communities by avoiding littering and practicing responsible behavior;
  4. Carry an ample supply of water and energy snacks to keep yourself energized during your hikes;
  5. Don’t forget to bring your camera to capture the magical moments you’ll experience in the pristine nature of Ba Be National Park.”



Ha Giang region

Ha Giang is a stunning mountainous province located in the far north of Vietnam. It is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts. This region is full of breathtaking landscapes, isolated villages, and unique cultures. The Dong Van limestone plateau and the Ha Giang Geopark are gems that will take you on unforgettable treks through spectacular panoramas. Explore towering peaks, terraced rice fields, lush valleys, and warm encounters with local ethnic groups for an authentic and enriching hiking experience.


La boucle de Ha Giang : les plus belles étapes

Mountainous landscapes of Ha Giang. Crédit : Mathieu Arnaudet 


Impressive landscape

Ha Giang is a mountainous region of breathtaking beauty. You will be amazed by the immense limestone peaks that sculpt the landscape, forming a maze of mountains and deep valleys. Cascading terraced rice fields offer breathtaking vistas, while traditional villages nestled in the heart of the mountains preserve their ancient customs. Winding rivers, refreshing waterfalls, and lush forests add to the magic of this pristine region. Ha Giang is a true paradise for hikers seeking adventures in a unique natural setting.


La boucle de Ha Giang : les plus belles étapes

Mountain road in Ha Giang. Credit : Mathieu Arnaudet 


What to discover along the hiking trails ? 

The hiking trails in Ha Giang will allow you to discover the rich cultural and natural diversity of the region. You will cross picturesque villages where ethnic minorities such as the Hmong, Dao, and Tay live in harmony with nature. You will be dazzled by the spectacular terraced rice fields that sculpt the mountains, and you will have the opportunity to meet talented local artisans in their villages. Hiking in Ha Giang will offer you unforgettable moments in the heart of the wild nature, breathtaking panoramic views, and authentic encounters with the warm-hearted locals, not to mention the characteristic karst rocks of the region.


La boucle de Ha Giang : les plus belles étapes

Ethnic market in Du Gia. Credit : Mathieu Arnaudet 


Example of a hike – trail to Ma Pi Leng

The Ma Pi Leng Trail is one of the most famous and breathtaking treks in Ha Giang. This spectacular hike will take you across the high limestone plateaus of Dong Van, offering breathtaking panoramas of the Nho Que Valley. The hike typically lasts for 2 days and can be divided into two stages: the first stage starts from Dong Van, following the winding road to the summit of Ma Pi Leng. Alternatively, you can choose to start from Meo Vac, cross the Nho Que River by boat, and then hike up the mountain to the summit. This hike provides stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, but it is also demanding with steep sections and rocky paths. However, the effort is well worth it for the unforgettable experience it offers.


Vue depuis la rivière Nho Que, Ha Giang

Nho Que river within Ma Pi Leng canyon 


Hoang Su Phi, a hiking paradise

The northern part of Ha Giang province gives way to the limestone plateau of Dong Van. If you are more inclined to hike amidst rice terraces, we recommend heading to the Hoang Su Phi district, in the southwest of the province.

Considering the distances to cover, we advise planning at least 5 days and 4 nights (including 2 days of transportation) to get a good overview of the region. You could travel in an itinerant manner, as Vincent Désombre did in January 2019, going from family to family with our guide Duong for a week of hiking. This is also what our friends from the Freelensers blog did, as they ventured out without a tour guide. We had arranged for a local guide who organized everything on-site. Depending on your budget, various possibilities exist


Paysages de Hoang Su Phi, Vietnam

Green landscape of  Hoang Su Phi. 


Our tips for enjoying it to the fullest

  1. Plan your trip during the dry season, which is from October to April, for optimal trekking conditions. We strongly advise against traveling during the rainy season as the roads are often impassable, and there can be dangerous mudslides.
  2. Book a tour with a specialized agency like ours. We will provide you with a French-speaking guide and a local guide who knows the region inside out.
  3. Bring enough water and snacks to keep you energized during the hikes.
  4. Respect the local culture and always ask for permission before taking photos of the residents or their homes.
  5. Make the most of every moment to fully immerse yourself in the wild beauty of Ha Giang.



Cuc Phuong National Park

Cuc Phuong National Park is a true natural gem in Vietnam, renowned for its exceptional biodiversity and enchanting landscapes. As the country’s first national park, it offers an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts. You’ll be immersed in a rich ecosystem, home to a variety of animal and plant species, some of which are endangered. With its well-maintained trails, the park is the perfect place to explore this pristine nature and observe wildlife in its natural habitat.


La végétation du parc national de Cuc Phuong au Vietnam

 Cuc Phuong landscape


A biodiversity sanctuary 

Cuc Phuong National Park, located in Ninh Binh province, is a true haven of nature. It is dominated by limestone mountains covered in lush vegetation, dense forests, and crystal-clear streams. You’ll also find spectacular caves, refreshing waterfalls, and picturesque terraced rice fields. This diversity of landscapes makes it a paradise for hikers and nature enthusiasts, who can marvel at the preserved beauty of the region.


Lac à Cuc Phuong, parc national du Vietnam

Natural beauty of Cuc Phuong


What to discover along the hiking trails ?

The hiking trails of Cuc Phuong National Park will allow you to explore the rich biodiversity of the region. You may have the chance to spot monkeys, including the rare Delacour’s langur, sambar deer, giant squirrels, and a variety of colorful tropical birds. The park also houses unique flora, with ancient trees, giant ferns, and medicinal plants. Venturing along the trails, you will discover changing landscapes, winding rivers, and intriguing rock formations.


La riche biodiversité de Cuc Phuong, parc national du Vietnam

Relaxing landscape in Cuc Phuong


Example of a hike –  the Nguoi Xua cave trail 

The Nguoi Xua Cave trail is one of the most popular in Cuc Phuong National Park. This hike takes you through dense forests and mysterious caves. You can explore the Nguoi Xua Cave, which means “ancient man,” housing fascinating archaeological remains, testifying to human presence in the region thousands of years ago. Along the way, you may also observe wild animals such as monkeys and birds. The duration of this hike is typically about 3 hours round trip, covering a total distance of approximately 6 km. The difficulty level is moderate, with some steep ascents and narrow passages in the caves.


Entrée de la grotte Nguoi Xua au parc national de Cuc Phuong, Vietnam

Entrée de la grotte Nguoi Xua


Our tips for enjoying it to the fullest

  1. Wear comfortable hiking shoes and appropriate clothing to protect yourself from the weather and insects.
  2. Carry an adequate amount of water and energy snacks to recharge during your hikes.
  3. Respect the environment by leaving no waste behind and avoiding disturbing local wildlife and flora.
  4. Choose a local guide to assist you in navigating the trails and provide you with information about the region’s wildlife and flora.


Northern Vietnam is a prime destination for nature enthusiasts and hikers seeking adventure. From the majestic mountains of Sapa to the hidden gems of Ba Be National Park, the biodiversity of Cuc Phuong National Park, and the breathtaking landscapes of Ha Giang, each region offers unique and unforgettable experiences. The trails will allow you to discover the rich cultural and natural heritage of the region while providing breathtaking views and authentic encounters with local communities. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hiker, there is an adventure for every level amidst the preserved Vietnamese nature. Get ready for an extraordinary adventure and explore these natural treasures in Northern Vietnam.

Feel free to contact us to prepare your hiking trip in Northern Vietnam.


Mathieu Arnaudet
Responsable Marketing

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